The sympathies of my acquaintances are quickly on my side and if the evening goes well, I will gladly reward you with a sensual, erotic massage. But sometimes it can be just as exciting to receive such a massage. Do you have what it takes to make me ecstatic? I will definitely show my gratitude. My skills are much more versatile than just being able to give a good massage. I’m particularly flexible, if you like acrobatic acts, then you’ve come to the right place. Felice is my name and as pocket money lady via escort agency Bochum for Tao Massage Service in NRW you will get unforgettable hours from me. You can also meet me with stripping, sex, eroticism and more. Don’t forget four hands massage better, maybe I’ll come with a tingling prostitute if you wish.
Tel.: 0176 26 61 37 78
I offer you sex and erotic massages.

Age: 21
Bra: 75 C
Clothing Size: 34
Body Size: 157
Nationality: Yugoslavia
Language: English